(no subject)

Jan 21, 2007 22:47

Originally published at The Apochrypha. You can comment here or there.

Now you guys know I like my military history but this one is slightly different from the norm. This book follows the history of the breaking of the german codes during WWII and focuses mostly on the naval enigma code. For a book about codebreaking it managed to fit a surprising amount of war into it. If you’ve ever seen the film Enigma you’d maybe think that it was the folk at Bletchley Park that cracked the code single handedly but thanks to Hugh Montefiore you soon realise that folk from Poland, France and the USA all had a hand in it at some point in time although most of the plaudits do go to the UK codebreakers. You also find out just how close the Germans were to realising the code had been broken which would have been a disaster.

Like I say for a book based on codebreaking and one that has a surprising amount of maths in it its a very easy read.

united states, bletchley park, 50 book challenge 2007, poland, hugh montefiore, france, enigma, united kingdom

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