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Right…after a chat on Saturday night at Mark and Clares party…just before my body decided cider was a good sedative…we came up with a workable date for the camping. It’s not ideal but working around what we’ve already got planned between us all it’s the only real date that gives almost everyone a chance to go.
So 21-22 May 05 is looking like the hot favourite. Steve can’t go as its a firefight weekend but he’s happy with that as it means we can go to some of his LAN the following weekend. The following weekend was sort of out because of the LAN but more so because its the weekend before Mark and Clare go off on their honeymoon. This also ruled out Willie and Ang as they are going along as well. The weekend before the 21/22 is Steves birthday airsoft weekend which we obviously couldnt do. Willie might not be able to make it as he has to get his course work in by this weekend but with a bit of luck and a little hard work he might be able to join us so fingers crossed.
What does everyone else think of the date?
I’ll need to start finding out numbers soon so we can work out if we have enough tents and transport…and if there isnt enough cars the bus stops at Fort William and is very regular and suprisingly cheap considering the journey if I remember rightly…think the campsites about a 10 minute drive outside Ft William but then again I was VERY tired the last time i was there and can’t really remember it.
Would anyone be up for going up on the Friday? Anyone that wants to attempt Ben Nevis would probably have to go up on the Friday at least as your talking about a 7 hour walk up and down. Obviously thats with a lot of stops on the way up and it takes almost no time at all to come down from and theres a lovely wee pub at the start of the track which over looks the campsite if I remember rightly.
here for more info and to keep up to date