
Jul 27, 2008 10:53

Originally published at The Apochrypha. You can comment here or there.

Not much has been going on. Well thats a lie what I mean is not much I want to talk about just yet has been going on.

We got some more chickens the other day and one of them is a cockerel. This has meant several almost-heart-attacks whilst it’s flew out of the run or on to the neighbours fence or when it attacked me the morning after it arrived.

With all the time off I’ve had I’ve not really done much with it. I’ve mentioned before
how frustrated I have been getting with not being able to do very much but with a little shoving from the Occupational Health nurse and the doctor I’ve got myself back out walking again as I’d stopped that after we got back from France. On friday I managed to walk from Central Station to the SECC, then along to Kelvingrove and back again to Central Station. Admittedly it took me about 3 hours and god only knows how many rest stops but I did it. I’m still recovering from it though!

For the eagle-eyed amongst you…you might have noticed I’ve been playing with the theme for my blog today. I’m just looking about for something to use as a base and whilst theres a few I like theres no point in customising them to far if the basic things I want them to do don’t work. We’ll see how that pans out

every day stuff, france, central station

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