So, Happy New Year! Even though the new year started like a week ago! That said, it's still relatively young.
So, what have I been up to lately, I ask myself publicly on a site ostensibly for journalling my life (unprecedented, I know. I'm just like that). Not a whole lot is the reluctant answer; I have been The Duxton's bitch pretty much from the moment I got back.
I've been working full-on nightshift lately, five days a week not including
the sixth day they invariably call me in on because the rosters are currently in a shambles. On my Day Off (tm) I'm completely unable to get to sleep until 6am, and my only company until that time is
a lone white wolf and
a bunch of sex-obsessed Brits. So essentially, I'm making stacks of money (by student standards) and have absolutely no way in which to spend it (and no real reason to), because I'm asleep during normal business hours and can't stay out late on account of work. Sigh.
(For the record, Okami is one of the finest games known to mankind. Zelda meets Japanese Watercolour Art. It's just a shame it was on the PS2, because it would have been incredible on the Wii.)
There have been a few highlights, though.
I bought myself a bike, and have made the New Year's Intention (which differs from a New Year's Resolution in that I can break it if I feel like it without feeling all that guilty) to ride it for all trips less than 10km (except where impractical). So far I think I've ridden it a total of 100km since I bought it, but it's hard to tell and I don't really feel like buying an odometer for it.
Other New Year's Intentions are to join a band (no, not one of those bands. I mean an orchestra), learn Capoeira, get fit, get involved in community theatre stuff, start work at a real engineering company, go back to uni and get ultra-high distinctions in everything and go to the
WA Poker League events on Wednesdays at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow. You should come to those! They are cool.
You see now why I call them 'New Year's Intentions' - it's just not feasible to actually accomplish all of them. Though I am pretty set on the bike one.
Speaking of the WA Poker League, I went to an event they had, two Wednesdays ago. There were roughly 45 people there, and apparently my l33t p0k3r ski11z are pretty rockin' 'cause I won! I even have the Coveted Perspex Trophy to prove it! (disclaimer: Coveted Perspex Trophy cannot at any time be worth anything in monetary value or else it will construe a "prize", the giving away of which is strictly forbidden without proper licensing) Somehow I got the title of "X-box Poker Player" or somesuch because of how I was actually doing pretty damn well despite being largely clueless about how the whole thing worked. Also because I look somewhat nerdy, I suppose. I'm not going to argue about that one.
And that's all I have to say about that. Bye!