[[Private, a few words hackable here and there]]
Why is it still here? He swore it was gone... he was going to burn it.... he should have burnt it. *snarls* Leaving it in the Restricted Section for students to find -- he might as well start auditions for the next Dark Lord on the spot!
*paces, fuming*
Legally it belongs to Hogwarts. I have no rights, confound it. But it's mine all the same, and I'll do with it as I wish. If he doesn't see the danger... he's less the man I assumed him.
[[Filtered to Bob's students]]
Bring your Wright's workbook to tomorrow's lesson. We will be examining early circles of summoning and how their efficacy changes with the alphabet used in the rim. If you have already taken three or more years of Runes, you will find a more detailed explanation in the first chapter of Linguistic Secrets Revealed. After the discussion, there will be a five-inch practical to be handed in at the end of class.
[[Filtered to Daisya]]
How is the book?
*peers out through his door and is greeted by a number of expectant-looking cats*
..Oh, not again.