Confound it... if my skull were so dangerous, one would think the American High Council would rather have it out of the country than in...!
[[Filtered to Bob's students]]
I seem to have run into a slight administrative problem and will not be able to make it back to the school for the time being. Your classes will likely continue as planned. Kindly study the next section of your textbooks -- fifth through seventh years will be translating spells into Firth, Cirth, and Futhark, while second through fourth years will be concentrating on twelfth-century Gobbledigook. Be sure to practice writing the letters as well; there will be a practical quiz when I return.
[[Filtered to Daisya, Misa, and other students who are Bob's friends]]
Would you mind checking in on Marco until I return to the castle? He's usually able to feed himself, but might get lonely hasn't yet mastered the art of opening doors.
[[Filtered to staff]]
If someone could take my classes until *interrupted here by a series of stabbity messy strikeouts* the powers that be see fit to admit me back into Scotland, I would be very much obliged.
[[Pulling Bob off hiatus to take care of some plot points. Hallo!~]]