May 16, 2014 14:29
(Oh, hi, LJ. Miss me?)
With all the net neutrality stuff circulating around, and in my position as netadmin/sysadmin at my school, I've started thinking about teaching a civics lesson on the subject. I mean, I won't, obviously, because I like my job, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about it.
We have separate networks for students, teachers, and guests on campus, and which networks you can get on is dictated by what your MAC address is associated with in our RADIUS database. Now, it wouldn't be too difficult for me to set up a "Premium" student network, then throttle the bandwidth available to students on the standard student network. Heck, with a bit of work, I could even block access to sites like facebook to those on the standard student network. Then, I just ask that students who want access to the "Premium" student network just pay me $5 for the privilege.
net neutrality