In Which Stuff is Discussed

Nov 16, 2010 15:33

Sorry for the absence as of late; school has been sucking up my life for the most part (I've got just a few weeks until the first draft of my senior portfolio is due, and my senior reading is on the 9th of December--eek!).

Work continues apace on my recumbent bike. Did I mention that I was building a recumbent bike? No? Well, I am. As of right now, I need to make a few more cuts to the donor frames, buy the new tube, get it cut properly, and get it all welded together. From there, it's just assembly, testing, painting, and final assembly, which is pretty exciting. I may post some pictures somewhere, assuming I ever take any.

On another note, some people on the internet make me mad as hell. Duh, right? I submitted a story to a magazine which uses an online message board/writer's workshop format for its slush heap. This way, people read the story and, if they have any comments, post them in an accompanying thread. It is, as I said, a bit like a writing workshop, but more loosely moderated. Now, this being a forum for writers, one would reasonably expect that people would be familiar with standard workshop etiquette, that is to say, if there's something in the story that seems wrong to you, give specific details on how it could be fixed. One would also reasonably assume that, this being a group of peers, people would have the presence of mind not just to be jerks. Unfortunately, this being the internet, jerkiness seems to prevail. As much as I'd like to just tell the jerks that they can all go touch a goddamn dick, it wouldn't really reflect well on me (which is, of course, why I go and whine about it on my LJ instead). The most I can do on the forum is to either ignore non-constructive feedback or leave passive-aggressive replies (passive-aggression: a fine Quaker tradition).
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