Sep 07, 2004 21:00
yea, today i found myself talking to a present Cory had given me.
it is in fact a likeness of the enemy.
a squirrel.
since it is a present from my one and only, I cant bear to do it any harm.
And i thought it a terribly ironic gift choice, and can see the humor in it, so YES, i like the squirrel...i know, i know... what is this world coming too.
well, i am accustomed to talking to myself. i answer back in kind. and i work away some of my problems that way. it helps me to look at things from a different perspective when i play devils advocate and argue with my self on something...
if you didnt know it already i am weird like that.
i also make sarcastic remarks too myself out loud from time to time.
but that for the most part was somewhat normal.
i without meaning too.
started talking to myself again today. the conversation was a bit slow.
I was tired and my arguements werent making much sense to me anymore. so I turned to the squirrel and said "2. so who do you think is right?"
followed by:
2. "see told you so."
follwed by:
2. "I'm having a 3 way conversation with a squirrel statue and myself."
after feeling extremely weirded out. i sat down and told myself
2. "i'm not going insane."
and then thought.
1. "yes you are."
2. "oh your just saying that to make me feel crazy"
1. "you are crazy"
2. "I AM NOT"
1. "your just saying that to make yourself feel that way"
2. "why would i do that unless its true"
1. "because your an idiot"
2. "shows what you know, you just called yourself an idiot"
1. "you know what... shut up"
2. "you dont want me to shut up"
1. "yes i do"
2. "then why dont you"
1. "that shouldnt make any sense"
2. "but it did"
2. "no"
1. "you know what i'm gonna go talk to the squirrel he at least knows when to keep quite"
2. "you do that, consorting with the enemy, i dont know where he gets this from"
1. "you get it from the same place i do, we are the same person...I have carried 2. this conversation on WAY TOO FAR."
2. "I wouldnt say that"
1. "shows what you shut up or i'll stab you with a q-tip"
2. "i could say the same"
1. "why do i do this to myself"
2. "because ultimately it makes you feel better, and you think its funny."
1. "its still a stupid habit"
2. "i refuse to comment on that"
1. "so you think its stupid"
2. "i wouldnt say that"
1. "why not"
2. "because that would admit we are stupid, i just cant to that to myself"
1. "you just did a second ago"
2. "whats your point"
1. "You know what my point is"
i again turned the the squirrel
2. "so what do you think."
so what is worse having a stupid conversation with youself or talking to inanimate objects?
I dont know. and for that matter dont think i will ever know.
i do know that i had a 20 minute conversation and i'm the only one that heard it.
is one really crazy if they know they are crazy, and can you fix the problem if you can identify it.
must ponder...