Jul 23, 2006 03:29
The last time I posted on this fagget was to rant about people [specifically, two] that are fake and loser-ish. Now, I'm back to rant about.... well... about nothing, really. There's this refugee sleeping on my bed, wrapped in my bright covers, and I need to be asleep to leave to Tampa in one hour and a half, but guess what? I'm awake! Awake and posting on LJ!
Anyway, it's been almost two months since Willy broke up with me, and I can say I have honestly gotten good at hiding my emotions, so high five to me! Lolz. I'm definitely not over him. I'm not even close to it. Quite sad, actually. But now, when ever I see pictures of us last year, I don't get sad. Not entirely, atleast. I don't really feel anything toward it. I guess I've learned to numb myself toward any emotion I have that may emerge when I remember everything. I still can't hear any RATM or The Cure, but what ever. I will... eventually.
Lately, I've been listening to more Ska then usual, and it's a good thing, because Ska is funny and happy, unlike the other stuff I drowned myself in.
I get my license in 11 days, and my mom and I have been looking for a new car to buy. We have the money ready, I just haven't made my choice, and I need to make it QUICK.
This summer was fun. It was a crazy summer filled with activity-less nights, and it was filled with boring car rides that turned into fun adventures, and with some alcohol, some drugs, no SEX =[, and amazing, new people that I've met.
Anyway, I really don't feel anything lately. No happiness, no sadness. It's this weird, neutral feeling rooted to the pit of my stomach, and it won't go away. It's the best feeling ever. =] It makes me extra perceptive of everything around me and how everyone else is. =]=] So maybe it makes me a little happy. lolz.
You know, I think back on times with Willy, and he's so fucking smart. He's just... slow. But he's smart. I never gave him enough credit. Maybe one day I will. But to me, right now, he's just an asshole. >_