I take full responsibility...

Jan 30, 2010 15:51

I just had an IM conversation with mergle about Angel from the Buffyverse. Note that she hasn't seen the series yet, but I've blathered about it to her enough that she's now having dreams about Buffy and her parents being vampires, the citizens of Sunnydale protesting that she's not slaying fast enough, Angel brooding that he couldn't save some kids from being zombified, and product tie-ins called "Dark Buffy Bars".

She also says about Angel:

mergle : The first I heard of him was "vampire with a soul, gets cursed to have the soul until he's perfectly happy, and then he sleeps with Buffy and is happy so he loses his soul and goes on a killing spree."
mergle : Somehow I wound up imagining Buffy waking up that morning and walking down the stairs to see lots of random dead bodies, and Angel making waffles in the kitchen.
bobthemole : oh god, that has to be reproduced somewhere

Hi, I'm Bob and I drag people into fandoms against their will. I'll bet there's a special circle in hell for people like me.

ETA: We're willing to make a donation to the Haiti relief effort if someone makes fan art of the waffles scene.

buffy, fandom

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