Desire and Perception

May 14, 2009 15:53

So this is quite possibly going to end up being a random incredibly short post when I run out of things to say.

Today I have been thinking about how what we want affects how we perceive different situations. This train of thought is based on something that I have noticed about myself recently, that when I want something, I seem to think that I'm far closer to / more capable of getting what I want than I actually am.
To be more specific, in my case, this has happened recently with a girl who I am/was/notevensurewhatever interested in in a !yay!love! sense. I had up until recently had a mild suspicion that she was into me also (which is pretty intense for me, I never pick up on this kind of thing, apparently) based on... general vibes from when we talk.

It has been a while that I've been interested in this particular girl and a week or two since I started to suspect mutual feelings, but only yesterday did I think to take a step back and observe the situation from someone else's view, putting my own instincts and feelings aside. At this point I realised that I was kidding myself. That "vibe" I was getting is just the way that this person talks to everyone! Goddamnit Nels, focus.
So anyway yes I suppose that it my point really, normally I would've been able to see that there was no mirrored interest, however, because of my own feelings I was enjoying my ignorance too much to see the way it really is.

Conclusion! Desire affects perception!

Here ends pretentious self-analysis!

perception, pretention, personal, desire

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