A real update Z0MG

Nov 07, 2005 00:03

Well it's been a while since I did an update that was longer than a few sentences, or had anything to do with more than one facet of my life...

Well, first off, I neglected to mention it before, but me and Lora's 2 year anniversary was on Halloween, so I'm very happy about that. I'm... somewhat surprised we made it this far. Back when we'd only been dating for about 5 months (this is waaaaaaaaaaaay back) she had to move to Canada, and I, although more than willing to keep going, was worried ours would go the way of so many teenage relationships, but nope, at the expense of my poor first car and god knows how many dollars of gas money, we kept it going, and now she's back in Michigan and I couldn't be happier. I love you Lora (AWE<3).

Let's see... As detailed in an earlier update, I have a new job at Gamestop, which is pretty much a geek's dream job, so I'm very happy. I always felt bad that I quit my first job (pushing carts at Sam's Club for $7.00 an hour) because the pay was pretty good and the job was relatively easy. I guess it grated on me how strenuous it was (in the whole 2 months I worked there I was never NOT sore) and it just pissed me off, doing the same thing constantly. Now of course, I know there's no way to escape that in a job, so I'm at peace with it and hope I last longer this time.

I just looked at all my old journal entries at my old Blurty, which is what brought this entry on... it caused a lot of reflection, especially on my current relationship. It's all at www.blurty.com/users/bobthemagician. It's so weird seeing myself from 2 years ago, almost exactly...
I guess it's strange to see both how far and how little I've moved forward in my life since then. I have a car, a new job and a good relationship now, since then, but also, I'm 18, almost 19, and still live at home and am still in high school until June... I don't know how I should feel about all that.

Also, on a more general note, I'm starting to wonder more and more what kind of a person I really am. To be honest, I consider myself an intellectual person, and I can't help but wonder if that causes me to be an asshole at times. I tend to be very picky, and, let's say... be very VOCAL about my disapproval of all sorts of things. I consider it criticism, but some people, including Lora, see it as complaining and I guess on some level they're right. I don't need to say "this show kind of sucks" or "he's not very funny" every time I think it, do I? Especially when other people are enjoying it. I may think they have a lowbrow sense of humor for liking it, but who am I to call into question their reality, and who's to say who's right and wrong anyways? Humor is completely subjective, and so is the quality of it. I seem to have trouble, not only enjoying many things guiltlessly, but allowing others to enjoy what I don't like, and when I put it like that oh my god am I a dick.

Related to this... I think I've been like that for a long time, and also, I think i've always been pretty belligerent when it comes to my opinions, which is what my dad and a few other people have told me (one of whom is no longer a friend because of it). Looking back, I always looked for an argument, because I KNEW I was right and wanted to prove it... am I old enough yet to look back on what a dumb kid I was?
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