
Oct 28, 2005 21:28

its only been 5 FRIGGEN DAYS and my power, thank god, is finally back.

i think naples park was the last place they turned on....GAY.

i've been playing video games so much l8ly, out of sheer boredom. i should be trying to memorize my timing and lines and stuff for the play, aaaaaand im gunna be smashed with school work and band on monday. o well.

i gotta werk on tuesday and wednesday from 4-10 not bad but im gunna be busy with all the rehearsals and crap till next saturday, not sure if they're just going to skip the away game and just go to the next football game but im not gunna worry about that right now.

gunna go play more games, no rescrictions on electricity anymore. i love u god.

I am 81% Video Game Addict.

I got a problem, man. I may not find the answer to life in a video game. I need to turn off the console or computer, go outside and try some reality for a change.
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