You are stuck with me this week because
desdenova's suffering from wonky internet while travelling. I send internet-receiving vibes, as internet withdrawal is a tragic and terrible thing.
No Hiro this week, woe! On the other hand, this is probably good for my blood pressure, given last week's "Hiro! Stay by my side and be my mystical Asian helper, never mind your real life!" and Yaeko going from swordswoman to The Girl.
The Dawsons - I like! I like that they all have personalities and that Monica in particular gets agency. I'm a bit more torn about their class status. On the one hand, I like being able to have more working-class representation on the show (I am guessing that the Dawsons went from middle class to working or lower-middle class with Katrina?). I especially like that Monica is interesting and has the same ideas about being special that was formerly limited to upper class characters (Peter, Hiro). On the other hand, I wish that the only black families weren't all situated in the lower-middle class or working class scale (the Sanders/Hawkins, the Dawsons). I feel particularly nidgy about the East Asian family being the one upper class POC family (unless the twins are, but it is hard to tell right now, and I am guessing if they were upper class, they'd have access to fancy lawyers and etc?) and how that's contrasted with Mohinder and Chandra driving cabs (although we at least get to see them in India where I am guessing they are middle class, at least), the Dawsons and the Sanders/Hawkins. More on Monica later!
Robber - I am irritated that he is black, although I am a little more mollified by
desdenova's note that it signifies an all black neighborhood. Still, given that DL started as a criminal as well and given that there's not a substantial counter-argument with multiple important non-criminal black men on the show, I am still irritated.
Micah - I heart him so much! I have to say, given the show's track record, I was afraid they would go into the "You are not black enough!" storyline with Micah and the Dawsons, and then I would be forced to chuck things at my TV. Thankfully (it's sort of sad that I'm happy about the show avoiding possible pitfalls) he seems to be accepted into the family very quickly, and I'm particularly looking forward to Micah's relationship with all the Dawson members.
Mohinder - I probably should have something more intelligent than "Mohinder and Matt's daddy issues are the slashiest things ever!" shouldn't I? Oh! I do! Mohinder singing a lullaby! I couldn't catch the language, but it is not English, and it made me so happy! I'd love to know what it was, especially if it wasn't Hindi, because I am dying to have more background on Mohinder and possible fic fodder.
Maya and Alejandro - on the one hand, I'm sort of excited that they're with Sylar, as the Sylar-Mohinder road trip from S1 was fun. On the other hand, boo to the whole making characters look stupid for not knowing what we do. Mely has
good notes on the power dynamic between the twins switching, particularly with regard to language. As a minor note, I am amused to see that some publishing company acquired the rights to publish Chandra Suresh's book in Honduras (or possibly elsewhere and then imported to Honduras? I don't really know about the publishing industry in Honduras). More on Maya later.
Claire - ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. I shake feminist fists of rage at my television! I point you again to Mely, who
posted on the disturbing fight for control over Claire's sexuality, how her storyline this season so far has been all about men men men, and Mr. Bennet as the patriarchy. I hate West SO MUCH. I hate the implication that if you just badger a woman long enough, she'll say yes and that it's romantic. I hate the implication that he knows more about Claire than she does. I hate him pushing her to hurt herself (yeah, she'll heal, but like she said, she always feels the pain) just so he can pose as a hero to "rescue" her. I hate the rhetoric about trust coming from a creepy stalker with no respect for personal boundaries. I could go on, but then I would probably have an aneurism and then the patriarchy would win!
Monica - As stated previously, I really love her!
sabonasi noted that Monica actually has conversations with another woman (her friend) that is not about men! Yay, and let us hope that this continues. I also like that Nana Dawson and Monica are the heads of the household, and I particularly heart Monica for her desire to take care of her family while still holding on to her own personal desires. It's a nice contrast to the standard "woman sacrifices all for family!" trope in a lot of fiction. For once, I do not actually think Heroes does this, with the exception of Peter telling Niki to go back to her family in the finale, as Heroes has a fairly good track record of showing both men and women sacrificing everything for family.
Maya - Yay initiative. Boo initiative making her look naive and stupid, though it is not her fault that we know a lot more than she does. On the other hand, I'm very wary because they're with Sylar. You just know one of them will end up dying. With that as a near-given, I'd be really interested to see Maya and Sylar in a power struggle. I will be annoyed at Maya using her powers for evil, but at least that would be more agency than she's had so far. Although I'd really love for the twins to find out who Sylar is and then use their powers to control him.
Angela - still rocks! I am betting that she has a mastermind plan, given what we've seen of her, and I am just so happy to have a woman with agency and power on the show. Also, older women for the win! Also also, I giggled at Nathan's comment about the too-long hug between her and Kaito.
Janice and Heidi - sigh. Oh show. I am still mad at you for cutting both of them out, though I do not blame Heidi for divorcing alcoholic Nathan. On the other hand, I really wanted to see more of Heidi, especially after Linderman cured her. Am also irritated at the resolution of the Janice-Matt storyline.
Molly - I hope you wake up and give Matt a good whap. He has the street address and a name and can't be bothered to do a little work for the apartment number, especially knowing that his adopted daughter is in danger? I roll my eyes at him.