I have been trying to figure out where I picked up my "Sweetie" habit.
Honestly, I think it was here -
Devil's Panties.
I HAVE read some of these before, and honestly - I think this is the one that encouraged me to engage in behavior that might get me killed. Because I'm stupid that way.
And, because its one of my .. pet peeves. Cries against PC abound - but, don't you dare call a woman/lady/girl an affectionate term of endearment. It means you somehow think less of her.
I do not call "everyone" Sweetie. Only those that ARE - or at least enough that they make me comfortable. Telling me not to be polite with Ma'am, Miss or Young Lady (only used that on REALLY young Teenagers - I'm not THAT old yet) is just plain rude. As rude as those that snear when I open doors for them.
And what is the point of this rant? In a mood, don't feel like going on about real issues.
So - you get a half-assed rant whatever.
I wonder if Red Bull and Melon rum tastes decent?