It's really really really hot

Aug 20, 2011 18:58

Daaammn it's hot. I wish it was fall.

Clinical rotation is going well, although I wish we were doing more complicated cases because I've been a little bored the last few days. Oh and she gave me plasma on Thursday, not serum but she didn't tell me and it took forever to figure out why all my results were wonky. Hello Fibrin clots!

I still haven't received my Pottermore welcome e-mail... but once I do, I will have some spare accounts to give away. So if anyone wants an early access/beta account, just let me know. (they are all made for girls, although not all the names are girly, so.)

Job hunting is kind of annoying. I have stuff that I want to apply for, but I need to take my boards first. Which... I need to keep studying for.

But tonight I'm going to the Ramblin instead. I haven't been in AGES and clearly my life isn't as awesome with DJ Wahoo and ridiculous Karaoke.

Seriously, though. Carter is HUGE. Like there is so much blood all up in the place and the complex is really huge and it's really easy to get lost, but everyone is really nice. And I do love blood banking. I would say that Micro and Blood Bank are my favorite areas of the lab. But neither of those areas tend to hire fresh graduates because they're scared we'll kill people.

science, blood bank, harry potter, ramblin, pottermore, clinical rotation, texas, school

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