Mar 11, 2009 14:26
I just filed my taxes, which means I'll have some money coming in about a month or less allllriiiight. I really need some kind of job on MWF after classes but I'm always too lazy to look. I'm actually doing good in my classes this semester though and I'm afraid working could mess that up.
It's spring break and I'm not going anywhere awesome, just back to Lameland. I never have gone anywhere for spring break anyways so it's not so bad. I usually take this week to rush around and visit with as many old friends as possible that are in town from school or already here. For the first time though I haven't thought about calling a single person to hangout, just this one girl who wont stop making me smile...
I feel like I'm done with that highschool mentality of wanting to be liked or accepted by the crowd and getting invited to all the happenings. I've just been doing my own thing the past few months and really have never been happier when I think about it. Here's to growing up!
Oh and Bd's is so tasty, I wish there was one in Orlando... and that there was a Pita Pit in Lakeland I could go to right now Mmmm.