Dec 16, 2009 17:56
This is terrible. Terrible.
The problem is, you see, that Professor Oak, while I respect him highly as a world-renowned leader in Pokemon research, has a terrible eye for photography. To him, the best shot is one centered, as close as possible, with the full body of the Pokemon in the shot.
And I mean, I understand that the Professor wants my photos for ~science~ and that that's where he's coming from here, but can't, like, James also come on the screen with a rose in his mouth and tell me how ~sensitive~ my shot of Meowth was, swathed in shadows and head bowed as if with weariness at the aging power plant around him, the out-of-focus Electrode self-destructing in the background a metaphor for a tired industrial world?
The other problem is, of course, that N64s have extremely limited save capacities, and therefore I must now choose between an album of my childhood photos, beloved and containing such wit as, "YOUR DISTURBING ME" (sic, Snorlax), "HEY BABE IM HOTT" (Charizard), "I EVEN HAVE MAGIC FART" (Mew; rather embarrassingly, a statistically significant portion of the 60 photos allowed in the album are tagged with fart jokes), and so forth, and an album of ~expression~ and ~artistic cropping~.
I wish I were exaggerating how distressing this is to me, or how I searched for used Pokemon Snap cartridges so that I could save this one in all its 3rd grade glory forever. :( ... I've found one for $10 including shipping, and I keep trying to tell myself that I already own the game. :( What do I do. :(
video games,