WoW update: Flying Leatherworkers

Sep 24, 2009 09:09

Adventured with a friend in a new area, Darkshire, last night. Very creepy and haunted-house-like! Got within a hair of leveling (25) but it was getting late.

I also made an unfortunate discovery for my fighter. He's a miner/blacksmith, and one of his quest requires him to make four heavy copper mauls. Unfortunately one of the ingredients for those mauls is light leather. I didn't realize that light leather isn't available for purchase anywhere, and if you're not a skinner/leatherworker you can't get it.

Now, I have a great skinner/leatherworker. He picks up tons of light leather. Unfortunately he's my Tauren shaman; since he's in the Horde, he can't send leather to my human fighter (Alliance). So it looks like I'll have to take one of my low-level abortive characters and make him a skinner/leatherworker. None of the low-level ones have a specialty yet, fortunately. If I can, I'll probably pick the Draenai hunter; he kills lots of animals.

While I'm at it, I suspect that I should make a set of low-level characters who have all the professions: an enchanter, an inscriber, an engineer, etc. etc. etc.

Oh yes, almost forgot: I think I found a glitch. When I click on dead enemies "too quickly", very often nothing happens and they have no loot. I can't prove anything, but this didn't used to happen. Sometimes the loot window doesn't even show up! I'm not sure what I can do about that, apart from count off a few seconds before trying to loot.

Got to bed lateish (shortly after 11) and then an hour or two later Sebastian woke us both up by howling "DAAAAD!". Another nightmare. He came into our bed and I got pushed around for the rest of the night. Very little sleep. Hard to function today. Everything hurts, particularly my left elbow where I broke it last year. I broke it at just about this time of the year, come to think of it; am I Frodo?


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