Movie reviews

Apr 12, 2009 21:15

I just wrote this as a comment over on my friend Steve's blog. He was writing about Monsters Vs. Aliens.

I saw it a couple of days ago with Teri and Sebastian. Then I saw "Bolt" with them on DVD tonight.

I won't say the two merged in my mind. But in both cases, there wasn't anything really new there; nothing that will last in my memories for long. The scripts didn't suck, but they also didn't have anything to say that hadn't been said a thousand times before, often better. Hell, they didn't even have one strong laugh-out-out-loud moment.

Okay, "Bolt" did manage to pull the heartstrings once or twice. But that's easy to do when you've got kids, dogs, and love to work with (even for a confirmed dog-hater like me).

MvA wasn't bad, and the 3D was okay. Since I had to wear me regular glasses under the 3D ones, the effect was probably not quite as impressive. Also, I couldn't help but think about a recent article that I read over on Slate claiming (in a fairly convincing way) that 3D caused headaches and had other inevitable problems ( Certainly I had a headache after the movie.

I don't seems to me that when you spend millions and millions of dollars to make a movie, it wouldn't be asking too much to have a script that really works...that shows real human emotion. Beyond greed and marketability, that is.

I'd given anything to see a few more movies as good as The Iron Giant.

movies, genre, science fiction, reviews

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