Feb 17, 2009 21:53
Not too long ago we bought a medium-sized jar of local wildflower honey. As I think I've mentioned here before, I'd heard somewhere in the news that many nationally-distributed and supermarket brand honeys originate in China, and despite claiming to be pure honey they're actually heavily adulterated with high-fructose corn syrup and other nasty stuff.
As it happens, we have a teddy-bear container of Stop & Shop honey in the same cupboard where we put the local honey. They're literally next to each other. And for some reason, that cupboard is cold.
The local honey has turned solid. It has the consistency of a moist granulated apple butter; a little difficult to spoon out, but it can be done. It melts incredibly quickly in hot tea, and it tastes great.
The Stop & Shop honey is still liquid, golden, and clear. I'm not planning to have any more of it.