
Oct 05, 2008 01:44

It's 1:39 AM, and I'm still up.


Sebastian told all the kids in his class at school about my chocolate-chip cookie bars. He told them he'd bring in a bunch for his birthday on Monday. We only have one pan that's good for that sort of thing, and Teri's going to use it tomorrow to make lasagna for his birthday party with the family (and he had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese today, but I'd like to forget that). So I had to bake the cookie bars tonight.'s an insulated pan. And when I was just about to use it, it sloshed. Somehow water had gotten into it. When that happens, it has to be baked for a while, upside-down, to get the water out. That, plus the cooling time thereafter, is why I'm up so late.

And now, I shall sleep.

Remind me to write later about a bad grade Sebastian got last week, and what we decided to do about it.

sebastian, food, school, cooking

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