Sep 19, 2006 09:12
You have no idea how bad I've been about the diet for the past two weeks. NO IDEA. Ice cream, cake, french fries, hot dogs, burgers, chocolate chip pancakes smothered with whipped cream, buttermilk biscuits with butter, sausages, doughnuts, cookies, more ice cream,'s simply astonishing.
Sebastian had a box of miniature cinnamon sugar donuts. I ate all but three of them; it must have been twenty of them or more. When Sebastian found out, he cried and said we didn't have enough money to buy more.
Part of the problem is that I've been staying up late, almost always well past midnight. And that means I've been giving in to temptation and eating an entire extra meal late at night, including a sumptuous dessert.
Incidentally, a lot of this is probably due to that damned pipe; Teri and I weren't doing that well with the diet before then, but after the cellar flooded, we went to hell in a handbasket.
Work has been insanely busy, so I didn't get a chance to work out even ONCE last week; I took one walk with my co-workers, and that was it.
I didn't dare weigh myself this past week.
But yesterday I got back on the wagon, and managed to resist temptation. I was incredibly tired, and so managed to get to sleep before 10PM both nights (and had some weird dreams, but I'll write about those later, maybe).
I planned to be really good this week, and to not weigh in until Friday. I hoped that by that point I might be back down under 270; if I weighed myself earlier and saw that I'd undone all my hard work, I'd have probably snapped completely and gone on an ice-cream rampage.
Just to recap the situation, I started dieting on July 10th. My weight then was 292.4. Within two months I was down to 262.4. I'd lost 30 pounds.
I walked near the scale today, and found myself getting on; I was quite worried, but figured that it was time to know the worst and hope that I wouldn't get too depressed.
The result? 262 pounds.
I'm honestly very surprised.