
Sep 09, 2006 23:30

Just in case anyone was wondering, Teri and I have been pretty bad about the diet for the last month or so. But tomorrow will mark the end of our second month on the diet, and I have lost - wait for it - thirty pounds.

I haven't been this light in about ten years. My clothes don't fit me any more, but I'm not buying new ones because I'm only about 1/3 of the way to my goal. I did have to buy a new belt, because my old one didn't have any holes left. Unfortunately I bought a really crappy one which was terribly designed, and the damned thing kept unhitching itself. So I found a very old belt - there are advantages to being a pack rat - and it's just fine. Although I'm already on the next-to-tightest hole.

I just need to get back on the wagon and stay there for a while. But so far, this diet has worked incredibly well. It's like magic.


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