Another Idiotic Democrat

May 10, 2006 11:24

I never liked Bob Kerrey. He always seemed to have more looks than brains - a classic go-along-to-get-along Democrat, a breed which is grossly overrepresented in the circles of power.

Once a US Senator and Presidential candidate, he was best known for among other things) his prosthetic leg, and for boffing a few hot young actresses. After he left the Senate, he became president of the progressive New School.

And then he invited John McCain to speak at the New School commencement. Students are protesting. Articles are being written. Kerrey's response?

Protesters Object to McCain as New School Commencement Speaker
"[Kerry] sounded thoroughly unruffled about this latest flap, suggesting that the student and faculty protesters did not get it - not the business of running a university, which he said requires inviting the best graduation speaker possible, and not the business of presidential politics.

It's astonishing - the president of a college defending himself by by insisting that his students and faculty are ignorant. And yet he doesn't seem to have the faintest clue that he might be considered responsible for their education? Not to mention the fact that it's Kerrey who's the clueless one here.

It's all too typical of the Democratic leadership, I'm sorry to say.


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