You can say that again

May 08, 2006 10:33

In the wake of the fake controversy that Karl Rove has stirred up over a Spanish-langauge version of the Star-Spangled Banner, the White House is now insisting that Bush really doesn't speak Spanish well at all (I am shocked!).

To put the issue in context, Bush jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon by stating that the anthem should only be sung in English. That's understandable; it's just so easy to appeal to racism in America. I think of the anti-immigrant issue as the new gay marriage, although I hope it's less successful.

Anyway, soon after Bush announced his grand vision of Linguistic Purity, a number of reports surfaced that he himself had sung the national anthem in Spanish while campaigning in Hispanic areas in 2000 and 2004. The White House instantly leaped into action, insisting that Bush's command of Spanish was "not bueno".

I was reading an article about it, and my attention was caught:
As the Spanish wire service Agencia EFE has noted, Mr. Bush speaks the language poorly 'but with great confidence.'

"Poorly but with great confidence"...that pretty much describes his approach to everything, doesn't it?

humor, politics

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