
Jul 09, 2005 22:48

Lots to tell, not much time to tell it right now. I've been busy fighting the new RQ wars.

Sidenote: London. What the hell? Why do these things only happen when I'm out of touch? On 9/11/2001 I was unconscious and going under the knife as the first plane hit; I was heavily drugged for the following days. For the London thing, I was on vacation in Maine and completely out of touch with the media. What can I say?

I'll try to slap some photos up...let's see.

A lot of the photos turned out blurry; what can I say. But here are some decent ones. Click on any individual thumbnail to open up a big version.

This was kind of a sad trip for us, because my parents are selling that house. We've taken many vacations up there, and really come to love the place. It's packed with memorabilia from my childhood, too, which doesn't make it any easier. And it's a lovely place.

We arrived on Tuesday afternoon, a beautiful sunny day. Dad, Sebastian and I went out on the lake in the paddle-boat. Unfortunately Teri went shopping with my mother, so there are no photos. We weren't out for more than ten minutes; Sebastian got a bit nervous.

Later we went down to downtown Boothbay Harbor...

...and Sebastian looked at the boats.

We also got some brain-meltingly good ice cream: in my case, chocolate oreo fudge in a waffle cone.

That evening I barbecued hamburgers, red peppers, and onions. The mosquitos were swarming like, well, flies. Bastards. They're the one non-microscopic lifeform that I am willing to kill without compunction.

For the next three days it rained. We took it easy; fortunately I'd brought my new DVDs of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Smiley's People, which are among the very few that my parents would enjoy watching with me. Alec Guiness as George Smiley is a treat.

On Thursday it cleared up just enough to take Sebastian to the Boothbay Railway Village.

Sebastian standing in front of the train that we later rode.

Sebastian looking down from the top of one of two cabooses (cabeese?
) that he climbed up in. I should explain that that's quite a climb; at least eight feet up inside.

Most of the photos in the auto museum came out blurry. This one is less blurry than most; I'm including it because this old fire engine was just amazing. And huge. It must have been at least ten or twelve feet high.

"Where am I?"

"In the Village."

I had Teri take a picture of me holding Sebastian standing next to this sign, but I looked so terrible that I won't post it.

It's an odd image to end the tour on, but I always forget how damned freaky goat pupils are. Horizontal slits...why?

I also got a chance to hit the Boothbay Harbor library porch. I love that porch; they put out a bunch of books, and you can pick them up for a dime each. Awesome! This time I picked up the following:
  • War Beneath The Sea (paperback) - Bonham, Frank
  • The Spirit of Dorsai (large trade paperback) - Dickson, Gordon R.
  • To Your Scattered Bodies Go (paperback) - Farmer, Philip Jose
  • Tales of a Korean Grandmother (hardcover) - Frances Carpenter
  • Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories to Stay Awake By (hardcover) - Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.)
  • Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Terror Time (paperback) - Hitchcock, Alfred (ed.)
  • North and South (paperback) - Jakes, John
  • The Princes of Earth (hardcover) - Kurland, Michael
  • Tiger By The Tail and Other Science Fiction Stories (hardcover) - Nourse, Alan E.
  • the HORSE in the CAMEL suit (hardcover) - Pene du Bois, William
  • Henry Reed, Inc. (paperback) - Robertson, Keith
  • The Book of the Dun Cow (harcover) - Wangerin Jr., Walter
And all for $1.25. Amazing!

runequest, photos, rq, vacation, books

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