Poison Donuts

Jan 12, 2005 09:59

The Dunkin' Donuts kiosk at Ruggles station sells contaminated donuts.

I ate a couple of plain sticks from there a few months ago. They tasted bad, really bad - as if they'd been fried in rancid oil, or contaminated with some nasty chemical. Nonetheless I ate them (memo to world: there are times when I'm not bright, particularly when it comes to donuts). I got really sick for the next few days. It felt like food poisoning, and I should know.

But I was hungry this morning, and I thought/hoped that was a one-time occurance, so I picked up a couple of plain sticks. My donut stupidity strikes again!

I got into work, grabbed some coffee, took a bite of donut...and it was just as bad as the first time. Spat out as much as I could and threw the donuts in the trash.

Imagine if the donuts had poisoned me again! Of course, George W. Bush is doing his best to make sure that even if the donuts had fucking KILLED ME, the Dunkin' Donuts corporation would at worst have to make only token payment to my widow and son. Nice to know that that bastard has his priorities straight.

I really hope that he and his fellow criminals will be put on trial some day. Unfortunately it would no doubt be one of those humane international courts in which the worst punishment is life in prison. Even MORE unfortunately, it will probably never happen. Bush would push the button first.

consumer, food, commute, health, politics

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