First of all, thanks muchly to you folks who voted on my poll for my brand thingerbobber. Currently, Pammy is in the lead with 90% of the votes! o3o However, the decision won't be over until a day or two from now since some of my flist bruthas might not have come on, yet. The support for Pamplemousse is suprisingly high, though!
Anyway, iconfag meme from
xxjimu ❶ Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
➋ Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
➌ Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
➍ This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
Ah, I really like how this one came out. ◕3◕
aino_hanako's Love n' Gun brushes go with An Cafe like peanut butter goes with jelly~!
Done for the Takuya challenge, if I'm not mistaken? o3o I fangirled and lol'd like crazy when I first saw the original picture~
Idk, "sexually active" just popped into my brain when I first saw the original picture. Just had to do it, yannow? 8D
(Why does Christian always seem to pop up in this meme...?) Ah, Christian Siriano, fiercest person EVER. Just, ohmygosh I love him.
Rofl, someone on the Alice Nine comm was all like "OH HAY GUISE I FUCKED UP MY GIF AND IT'S PRETTY FUNNY AMIRITE" and then I asked if I could use it. |D Obviously, they consented.
This has been my default for FOREVER, man. I just can't find its rival. xD Had to icon the picture, thought for a sec, and came up with this shiz.