Oct 25, 2008 19:03
lack of posts since i killed my loudtwitter.
just finished a 50 hour week after my 76 hour week. hoping to get back to a schedule other then 12 on 2 off sometime soon.
been dicking around with my deb vm today. got a shimmie running. partly because danbooru is a fucking bear to install. ruby and non apache web server and all kinds of shit that can go wrong. fun things like installing ruby and rails and having it decide that it isn't the right versions to update itself anymore. shimmie is very similiar and is php/mysql.
i had some grand idea about putting my years and years of image collection on it so i could have a easily sortable thing. but fuck thats a lot of work. and i don't really save pictures from the internets much now a days.
and on that note, i think its time for more warhammer