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Aug 11, 2005 20:54

ok im bored so im going to make u all bored by telling u of my boring week here...its basically what i do at home w/out friends and minus the running around my house in whatever i want, and getting up late and going to bed late...

ok so tuesday we went to this kids free movie thing and the movie was two brothers and it was pretty boring, especially for a kids movie and it was long, i didnt really like it and wanted to go to bed. then mmmmm we went to burger king...i havent eaten there in forever so that tasted huh interesting and then i dont know exactly but im pretty sure i watched some tv and finished reading world outside and wrote my journal and it was very very very hot out theretill dinner then ate that and then we went outside and played kickball w/ the little ones...they love that game so much, i dont bc the make me be all time pitcher which i dont mind, but then i have to run after their balls and actually try to get them out and thats about it for that day...

wednesday i had to watch all 5 kids all day, which isnt that bad bc the twins and my brother stayed in their room playing pokemon and yugio and then john plays trains and kate does that or just sits w/ me. the trick is to keep the boys(twins) away from john and occasionaly split the twins up too. then i took them outside for an hour, we played kick ball, made them ride bikes and i taught them hopscotch.... poor children dont know how to play hopscotch i was shocked and then i made them lunch and let them watch ther pokemon video, and then made them read while i went outside and just layed out there listen to my music, very relaxing and then i wrote my essay, which thank god for josh saved me an hour of searching through my book and we went outside and played kickball again...these kids are messed up w/ there kickball obsession

today/thursday i got up later about 8 30 and then i had to watch the kids for about an hour and then my uncle came back and we had pizza for lunch. let me tell u im sick of pizza i have had it for one meal everyday since saturday... im kind of tired of it. then my uncle left again and i watched the kids til 5, i would have kicked them out of the house but it actually rained here which is amazing bc they are in a bigger drought here then we are there. and yeah i made cookies bc i was writing an email to heather and somehow i got the idea dont remember how tho, but yeah and we had dinner and then since it wasnt raining tonight we went outside and played guess what, yes kick ball...

mmm yeah thats about it for my week so far, tomorrow night is sweet corn festive so that should be very fun there are rides and games and of course tons of food. i have been checking my email very very very often durning the day especialy since my aunt and uncle arent here so i dont feel bad for being in their room *thats where the computer is at* so yeah all u foos write me alot and check ur email alot bc im getting very bored
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