Mar 25, 2005 19:36

wow ok long week, then it was sunday then i was good after that and now its friday and im bored and really dont want to read our 7 pages of poems that have to do for hw so yeah

the week: basically long boring, sore!, tiring, and then to top it all off my teachers loved me and gave me an in class essay to prepare for and a project just bc they knew i would have all the time in the world to work on it

sunday: or raising o' the gree or suday...lol anyway performace was pretty good, so inbetween every piece we had a tights change(its really hard to change tights when ur sweaty) and when u change tights u have to take off ur shoes so we had point shoe change everytime(pain in the ****** ******* ***)and a costume change of course and then for three of them we had a hair change... o joy. umm yeah but all the pieces went well except for that kelsey's knee was hurting, and jamie fell but it was a very long night i was gone from 12-9 30, out of that time i was dancing from 1-8 30!!!!!

this week: i went in late to school monday, but i was the least of slackers out of everyone, i went in 3rd, everyone else at our dance went in later, if they went in late or at all. and yeah borning day, but we did celebrate heather's birthday. tuesday was umm stupid and borning too, and i got a shit load of hw so didnt go to dance, wednesday was our borning, pointless, sleeping through, try to study for history concert....that was a fun night and then thursday we had a little party in lunch, everyone was freeking out bc auditions werent posted, but i didnt care bc i know i was going to make smph. I....party next year, heather, katherine,me, michelle, anita, bryan, jon(o geez)umm yeah thats all i know...and then i went to dance for the first time since suday(yes suday) and i went to all 4 hours and nearly pasted out, but it was fun lol

today: wow i woke up the lasted i have woken up in a long long long time, it felt good, then in a grand total of 18min. i cleaned my room, family room, living room, and washed the mirrors...thats what i call talent, or slacking. then i had to go to church bc its good friday, then i went to heatizals house for some partying w/ the encino man....we need to make a movie as hot as that

go to www.livejournal.com/users/taintedXlove_0/ <---theresa's lj w/ some really good pictures of raising o' the green...and some sexy ones lol
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