Sep 21, 2007 17:52
To measure others not by the same measure they choose to measure you by
To stand when and where others wont stand
To be faithful in the season and timing that you're in
To be a pillar of light to the world around you
To give when others take
To make your environment a byproduct of you, instead of you being a byproduct of your environment
To live by what is right instead of allowing people's actions to dictate your response
To keep standing when everything inside you wants to lay down and quit
To fight for those who wont, or who cant ever repay you
To speak love when hate is the motto of others
To keep giving love when a cold shoulder or an angry response is all you receive
To choose to keep fighting when the blood, the sweat and the tears pour down your face, run down your arms and pool on the ground around you
To give your best in any situation
This is the manner of kings
Life can be unfair, it can be hard and bad things happen to everyone in one way or another- you choose who you are though.....