few random thoughts

Jan 12, 2010 09:44

It's too hot recently, although I guess I shouldn't be complaining. IN Adelaide it's been over 40 degrees Celsius. Yesterday in Melbourne they say it hit 45. O_o For you non-Celsius people - that's darn hot - amazing so little bush fires broke out. inbe4globalwarmingclaims

Went to karate for the first time this year, as the dojo just opened yesterday, whee. It's good to get some proper exercise not in my cramped home again, although tiring. XD Apparently first day back also meant 'you get an Icey Pole for free!', so hurrah for that (flavoured ice, really - nothing special, but hey, it's free!).

Saw that movie Avatar last week... thought it decent. Story was hardly original and predictable but I didn't expect it to be deep anyways and still thought it was carried well for what it's worth, even if it's Ferngully/Pocahontas/Dancing with Wolves IN SPACE (with blue people!). The 3D was pretty though. Entertaining, with an interesting antagonist, is how I'd summarize it I suppose.

I've started making random flash movies, whee (more programming in them than being artistic seeing my lack of skill with the latter for now). Currently making up a music player of GSC/HGSS music so people can compare the same tunes then and now! Hey, I'm bored and like the music. ;P

Oh and I predict discussions on a ban of a certain someone over the next few hours/days, seeing such discussions of someone tend to be frequently had on lj.

Haven't guessed yet? Well just look at the fanfic section for a bit, I suppose. ;P (Or someone else's lj).

avatar, sppf, karate, stuff

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