Oct 08, 2008 09:29
I voted for John McCain
for Senate in 2004. Not that my vote made a difference, but I now feel I must let go of this error in judgment - confession being good for the soul, and all that. My reasoning was weak, I’m sure, but it was a throwaway vote that I now regret.
More seriously - I’m conflicted about early voting. Here in the AZ, we have “no-fault” early voting. I can simply request a ballot and take care of business. My mind is pretty much made up top to bottom (I need to check the judge ratings, though). Early voting is recommended by everyone - candidates, my party, the elections departments and friends.
However, I’m reluctant to do it. For me, there’s significance to the act of voting at the polling place on Election Day. The corporate ritual fills me with a real sense of palpable good feeling by doing my civic duty. So, I’m torn. On a certain level, it would feel good to be above it all in terms of the campaign “news” cycle. There is part of me that would like to just get over with it.
But, in my gut I think I need to wait until Nov. 4.