A fresh new take on Whitby

Nov 13, 2011 23:12

Last weekend was an unusual Whitby for me. It made a nice sort of circle. This time I shared a cottage with 3 of the 5 people I stayed with at the very first Whitby*. But this time we all brought our children with us. Someone said "Whitby the next generation", but really it's just an interesting new twist on things - and I like to think it's still my Whitby.

It all worked out rather well, from my point of view at least. There were 13 of us in the cottage over the age of 3. Plus 5 babies ranging from 3 months (mine) to 2 years (gekkouchan's). The middle 3 children came from jul1et and s0b, minusbat and Mrs bat, and tethis and xirce.
For all of us it was our first attempt at Whitby with children (though once some of us stayed with a couple who brought a 4-year-old).

It made for an interesting set of new rules. Usually the wifemonster and I are the first up at 7ish to get to the spa before it opens to help set up. Turns out waking at 7 made us the last to get up barring the 3 childless of us lot (jez_alone and steveandabigail). It also took much much longer to get out the door. But I partly blame my new haircut for that.

Also the wifemonster and I did not attend the evening events together. I got to go out on Friday, she on Saturday. Fortunately, at least one of each babied couple was also back at the flat, so a fun time was had by all regardless. My night at the flat was filled with light drinking and TMI birth stories.

Well done to minusbat and Mrs Bat for managing to make it to the spa both nights with the kid in tow. Admittedly they didn't last long either night, but they went out together, which I have to respect.

Other than that, it was a relatively normal Whitby. Though with far less drinking than usual. And, being that we actually drove up this time, far more room in the luggage for things like boots. All the boots and jackets I needed, for once. Though I have to say the wee flatmate's stuff took up an inordinate share of the baggage space. And we did accidentally end up with more more pair of boots than we started with (are they yours? Size 5.5 female, Clarkes brand).

Aside: I am also amused that the band Abney Park also brought all their children with them. Must have been something in the air that made us all want to try it.

* Of the two of the five who didn't make it, both of them also have children (not with each other) (you were missed, come join us someday). Also well done to Jul1et and s0b for being the only couple of the lot of us from 17 years ago still together.

whitby, wifemonster, breeding

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