Aug 03, 2004 00:45
Like wow, i dunno, but my life just seems to be going great, so that means this entry that i make now can not go wring at all. I am just so excited about being here right now, i feel like i might explode (not in that way, well maybe)
.....yea right, sure when have u ever heard me say anything even close to that, who are you and what have u done with the known depressed bobby, yea sure whatever, i'll go cry.....
.....double psych, actually, i am feeling better than i have in years. I have just been having a blast with everyone, and i love em all. I just saw two great movies, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, utterly, and i mean utterly amzing, like might be my new favorite comedy, next to animal house, of course, but we can't spoil the fun for those who haven't seen it. Next was the butterfly effect, amazing movie, maybe my new fav, even over Fight club, unlike some people, whos i wish not to mention (cough cough nora, gupta and wilbur cough)i like movies that make you thing, especially the ones you discuss with other people. i really loved the two different endings, which gets me into phycological aspects of each, going back to shakespear's romeo and juliette....but i digress, i should have seen these movies not with who i saw them with, but who i saw the other one with(if you got that, i am impressed, well maybe not). anyways, i seem to be spreading excelence to more people, like my waitress at max and erma's last night, funny, i must say, but also a bit annoying, like so annoying i didn't go in for the kill. And to top it off, i love this weather tonite, this storm is soo great, the lightning is b-e-a-u-tiful, so artistic, all around you, almost like fireworks, but the rain, oh the rain, every shape and size i have ever seen, it feels soooo goood, i am drenchted right now, i love it, mmmm rain good.
*the above has more energy put into it then any work i did for high school