Let's talk about lessons, Mr. Internet Pistoleer

Feb 11, 2012 10:29

Let's talk about lessons, Mr. Internet Pistoleer.
Your feelings were very hurt. Your daughter was so terribly disrespectful, you just HAD to make a grossly over-the-top response to teach her a lesson. Never mind that she kept it to herself, didn't scream it to your face, you had to defeat her privacy settings to find out. You went LOOKING for something to punish her for. What does that say about you?

So what lesson did you teach her?
Never complain. It doesn't matter how justified you may feel, if you complain, you will regret it. If your boyfriend slaps you around, or your boss gropes you on a daily basis, keep quiet. Your betters know what they are doing, and you have no right to protest, even in the privacy of your own thoughts, or to your trusted friends. That is the WORST lesson I would ever want a teenage daughter to learn.

Now, lets get to the content of the lesson.
You have a piece of precision machinery. It's sole purpose is to kill, or to provide the threat of killing. Owning it is a responsibility. More specifically, owning it means that you have decided that you are responsible enough to decide if someone else should die.
But not to you. To you, it is a display of masculinity and authority, an implement to remind your children you are in charge. To you, it is a parental accessory, a handy way to suppress a snotty teenager with the implied threat of lethal violence. To you, it is a toy, so you can enjoy destroying something while placing the blame on the owner.

From where I'm standing, you're more immature than your daughter - but she might grow out of it, and SHE isn't flashing a gun to get what she wants.
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