The Decade in Review

Jan 01, 2010 13:11

I started off 2000 with leaving my job at Argonne Labs, and moving to New Jersey to work for a software startup. We lived in an apartment with white walls.
In 2001, the company went under, and we moved to Upstate NY for a technical job in the dairy industry. We lived in an apartment with white walls. I was flying to a conference on 9/11, and drove home from Chicago with a stranger. On the way I wrote an essay on the need to stop buying oil from middle-eastern religious fanatics, but nobody paid attention.
In 2003, I donated bone marrow. I never met the recipient, he did not survive. I also started grad school, and attended my first Science Fiction convention.
In 2004, my job moved to Cleveland, we moved with it. I continued grad school at CSU.
In 2006, I graduated from CSU, and moved to Bremerton, to a rental house with white walls.
In 2008, we bought a house, and painted the inside blue and green, because we are so totally SICK of white walls.
And that's where we are, in our house with blue and green walls, with a garage full of boxes, a yard full of trees, a lap full of cat, and shelves full of books.
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