(no subject)

Nov 12, 2006 23:41

the other day i had a thought (well, i had many, but this is the one that stuck out). i was on my way to work deciding which coffee place to stop at (it was local vs. starbucks, i chose local) and i thought "i love chicago." i stopped myself and said whoa, did i really mean to think that. but that thought popped into my head. 2 months ago i definitely would not have had that thought. it's crazy because you think chicago is this big huge city that bad and scary (and it can be), but there are times when it's so quiet it's freaky. like tonight i left work and it was really quiet. no big crowd of people, there were no trains at the stop near where i work and there was very little traffic. and really, the people here aren't that mean. whenever i have an arm load of groceries and someone is leaving my building at the same time, they always hold the door. today, this lady held the door while i grabbed everything and then unlocked the other door once we were inside the building. for the most part people are plesant. guys will hold doors, people say thank you, if you drop something, someone will stop you. chicago is really like a big small town.

in other news, thanksgiving is next week! my how time flies. i feel like i just moved here and school just started. i can't believe the semester is almost over. craziness. we had a pretty warm week last week, but that is OVER. before i moved here people told me that the cold "cuts through to your bones." i definitely experienced that when i was walking from the bus tonight.

also, if you're thinking about getting it, the lady sovereign cd is really good and totally worth your money. (i got it for only $10.)


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