Quick Review #616131: Symphony X, Hypersolid

Nov 20, 2008 10:01

I was pleased that it was upstairs opposed to downstairs. The sound still sucked, but I love small venues. Also my first time in the upstairs. Pretty nifty.

I missed the first band which I was told were really good, much to my disappointment.

Hypersolid - Second time seeing them. They have a new vocalist and as a result they've moved to a more melodeath, dare I say metalcore, sound. Digged them in the beginning, but towards the end I lost interest. The new vocalist looked really tired which made for a bad performance. His stage banter was awful "You know when you have that thing... and then there's that second thing." wft? Sorry to say, but they were disappointing.

Symphony X - Amazing as always, though the Palladium's sound made listening kinda awful. Could barely hear the keyboards and Russell was also a bit too soft. You could hear him wonderfully during the ballad songs and the soft parts, but during the heavier parts you could barely hear him. Fortunately the audience knew all the lyrics so it ALMOST made up for it... (it was awesome to hear everyone sing along with King Of Terrors or Paradise Lost) Once I got used to the awful sound, it was awesome. Russell Allen is one of the best frontmen out there, hilarious in between songs, has an amazing bark and can sing soulfully. Shorter set that I would've liked, but I was loosing steam towards the end so it was just right.

Driving there and back was kinda nice.

shows, reviews, metal

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