So much to say.
We've got a lot going on. But let's get the weirdest bit out of the way. We put the Christmas tree in a new location this year and I needed to move old storage boxes out of the way. While I was doing that, I had to repack some of the boxes because they weren't full. I found a script for The Colour of Magic in one of the boxes... A script for our Discworld acting group ... that I wrote ... that I have NO memory of writing. Neither does Elsa. We don't even know when I would have had the time to write it. The timing seems to be after I had started Midnight Monster Movies but that is even more puzzling since, once we started that, ALL my free time disappeared. To make things even more puzzling, there is no trace of the original file on my computer, any of my backup hard drives or cloud services and I'm a guy who backs up the things I make. Elsa thinks either I wrote it in my sleep or it showed up from another dimension.
In other news, we're buckled in for the next phase of adulting. We're on track for trying for a kid. We're in a good place financially; Elsa got the medical ok; we are on a waiting list for a Tesla (we'll need more room); we're kicking the roommate out so we can turn that room into a kid's room (or a library, if we can't have a kid). We go on a cruise in a week and that's the official kick-off of trying. If we can't conceive in a year, we go to our fall-back which is kick-ass library and enjoying vacations.
Our show's weekly VR show is enjoyable. If we have a kid, I may not be able to keep doing the monthly show since it takes so much time. The half-hour weekly show can be done at home... hell, I can do it in my pajamas or nude!