Blast in Miyagi sept 23

Sep 23, 2015 22:54

Done but I need to do a final check!

Today was filming apparently because they made an announcement. And Johnny was sighted taking a taxi at the station I heard.

We were in the arena near the front left side stage and one section behind where the tower platform raises up.

The concert started on time. The opening vtr was the same. When they popped out on the side stages Sho was in front of our section. He waved at the stands a lot first then at us during Wild at Heart. As he started walking back to the main stage he posed and then started walking cutely, raising his hands up in time with his steps sort of like his character from Kazoku Game, only his elbows were bent.

When did they Pikanchi, Jun and Aiba leaned together as usual. In the middle of the song I saw Sho watching Nino as they danced and when Nino met his stare Sho smiled in a bashful way. I'm wondering if he messed up or something and felt like he got caught.

During Happiness Nino waved at our section from the center stage and then they got on the flying platform. From our seat we could see them better than the other days but they never actually went over us. When Troublemaker was finished they went down in the back.

Aiba: Arashi is here!!

For Love Rainbow they got on the carts and Jun came right past our section! Actually our seats were the three on the end where the cart passed so we could see him really closely! He waved at our section generally and pointed to some people next to our seats in acknowledgment.

At the end of the song before the greetings, Sho leaned on Nino. Their greetings were really similar to the previous days.

Aiba (as Jun): Hey Miyagi! It's been a while! I wanted to see you! Are you ready to have fun? Are you ready to be happy? We're going to make all of you happy!

Sho (as Nino): irrashaimase! x3 Arashi is here! x2 You're not loud enough I said you're not loud enough! ! stay with us until the end!

Nino (as Aiba): ne ne ne〜 He said it wasn't enough! Are you getting excited? This is amazing! (Saikou daze!)

Jun (as Ohno): Hai〜x3 Can you do it? (Ikeru) x2 Should we do the normal one? Miyagi arashi matsuri...
Us: day!!
Jun: *closes his eyes into a ^_^ face and gives a piece sign in a nasally voice* yoroshiku!

Ohno (as Sho): *looks at Jun in laughing* How are you Miyagi? (Choshi wa dou da) How are the upper stands? How are the lower stands? We are ready to go! Are you? Let's have fun until the end... Really how are the lower stands-- stay Arashi!
Us: Arashi!
Ohno: Let's get the party started!

Ohno sort of messed up his speech. I could tell he had a little too much time so he started to ask how the lower stands were again but he didn't make it in time so he jumped straight to the Arashi call. At the end he gave a small wave as he hurried off but it was almost like he'd forgotten it. I think he was putting too much effort into the gestures at the beginning because he was moving around a lot and sticking out his chest while moving his hands back at forth. It was still so cute to watch.

The vtr about the solos was the same. I could see a little of the end of Jyanakute from my seat as Aiba walked to the north side of the dome and it was just as cute as before. I feel like the performance for that was really great and showed off Aiba's personality.

Nino didn't make a mistake during his solo. He went into strumming his guitar to transition into Oh Yeah and called out.

Nino: Hey Miyagi! It's the last day! Can you do it? Louder! Come on, louder! Oh yeah!

When Nino was done with the guitar at the beginning he came over to the section in front of us. He was waving a lot at us and the stands.

Zero-G was just as great as the previous nights. I had to watch the screen instead of straining to see over all the people in front of me because I didn't want to miss the hip shaking. The first closeup was Sho today and I might have swooned a little. He nailed it every day. Then there was a sequence of Ohno Sho and Aiba that showed all of them shaking it the next time and let me say I don't know what happened but are all sex machines for this performance now.

The vtr for the schools today explained everything. They had asked 7 schools to participate with them (schools along the coast that had been affected by the tsunami) and showed short VTRs for all of them most of which had been played previous days.

1. The school reaching out to people. One girl talked about losing her family.
2. The school during a survey of the affected areas and talking with victims about their experiences.
3. The school focusing on exercising their bodies and building relationships among their peers.
4. A new school with only one student in the chorus club now. She practiced alone and they showered her playing the piano while training her voice.

The last three schools they brushed over faster but I remembered them from the previous days. When it was over all the kids had gotten out on the stage and it was amazing! Compared to the previous days it looked like a lot. They all couldn't fit on the stairs so a lot of them were standing in the exit doorway or off to the side.

Jun did an intro again and asked the students if they were ready. The boys i could see behind Jun were smiling widely and looking excited so I also felt happy. Jun even commented that everyone was making a great expression.

Sho: There are quite a lot of students here. Your friends and family might even be in the side once tonight so keep that in mind!

The performance was really strong again tonight. Although there were a lot less men their voices were equal to the women's part. In the previous performances it was easy to pick out Arashi's voices but tonight it wasn't. Either their turned their mics down or the choir was just that loud because it was all even. By the way, Sho did the opening conducting cue to get everyone together and also on the lalala part.

When they were finished they said the names of the schools again, 1-2 per member. When it was Aiba's turn he stumbled on the name and then had to repeat the second school too because he became flustered. Jun thanked the students for their time since they must be busy with school and preparing for tests.

Nino: So we all said the names normally so why did you have to do an impression?
Aiba: I didn't mean to! It was a mistake! I'm so sorry.

After Nino teased him a bit they went into Love So Sweet. Sho did his little wo ho love so sweet call at the start too. Jun put his arm around Ohno during the opening and they ended up running the short distance to the cart! They were in front of us so I squeed little. As they went around the base of the stands Jun was leaning heavily on the rail to sing his parts of the song, looking down mostly like he was singing to the audience. Sho Nino and Aiba were doing their punching moves at the audience on the other side of the dome too.

For Kitto Daijyobu Sho ended up messing up the opening rap part. He was looking at Nino and then started laughing and skipped part of it to end with a cheer.

Sho Nino and Aiba got to our side. Aiba was mostly waving at the stands but Sho and Nino waved at the arena area (us) a bit. At the end of the song when they were back on the main stage Sho saluted to the camera as the music died down.

For the start of Bittersweet Jun and Ohno just started at each other intently and then did their backwards step move. While the focus was on them, Sho and Nino were half heartedly waving to the arena section but I don't think they were getting much of a reaction.

For the lyrics "Kimi wo〜" they did a closeup of Jun on the screen and he winked while doing of his closed hand waves. At the end when they pose in a pyramid, Nino and Aiba were pushing their heads together really hard almost as if trying to push the other one over. They were both making squished faces like they were trying too hard. Sho glanced down and then back up and then looked down at them at them again and laughed.

Tonight they were going to do a live performance on Music Station so they talked about that and prepared us in the mc:

Sho: yeah!
us: yeah!
Sho: We are...
All members: Arashi!
Sho: How's the last day going, Jun?
Jun: it's really exciting. Today we're doing the filming.
Sho: And well appear on Music Station!
Well please take a seat. How about you Aiba?
Aiba: It's so hot in here! I'm really feeling everyone's power.
Sho: And the high school choirs were great right?
Aiba: Today we had the largest group of students so it was strong.
Sho: We also shuffled the greetings but....
Ohno did mine and... Wasn't something off about it?
Jun: Yeah! How do I explain.... Uh, it's like you're not used to acting that way. It's like you were trying to do too much and it got jumbled up.
And then you asked again how they were even though you already asked, haha.
I guess you had extra time you didn't know what to do with?
Ohno: Yeah. There was still time left but getting the timing for the Arashi call is hard.
Jun: you could have just started the Arashi call really early.
Ohno: But I wanted to say all those other things!
Like Sho does this pose. *stands up straight suddenly and puffs his chest out*
Sho: I don't do anything like that!
Ohno: You do!

So Sho started to do his greeting again like he normally would. He said "We're Arashi! Miyagi how's it going?" in a half hearted voice, then when he went to ask how the upper stands where and he totally pushed himself up and puffed out his chest so he started laughed and admitted he did that.

Ohno: And lastly you do something with your hand as you walk away.
Sho: While we're talking about it, did I do that thing at the end right for Nino?

He meant turning around and walking away before casually saying "saigo made yoroshiku" and giving a peace sign. I think they agreed it was ok because they moved on to Jun's opinion of Aiba's impression.

Jun: It was over the top.
Aiba: I'm just so excited!
Nino: You said thank you.
Jun: I don't say thank you.
But it was strange for me too, to do Ohno.
I mean, I just did my personal impression of Ohno. I have a really strong impression of his eyes being small. Like a Buddha.

Jun showed us what he meant, basically something like ^_^ and Ohnos eyes being almost completely closed.

Jun: That's my image. * smiling ^_^ and in a nasally high voice* yoroshiku!

Sho went to leave the stage but he stopped and covered his mic to say something to Aiba. They showed it on the big screen so we all kyaaa-ed.

Jun: What are you kyaaa-ing for?!
What is that about?
Aiba: That's right, there's something I need to apologize to Sho-chan about. I designed the goods this time right? You know how you have that hooded towel?
Jun: Like this one? Although this is our original one.

Jun held up a full sized bath towel that had the same image of their faces and the text on the other size. He told us it was a special version for them but that the design was the same.

Aiba: So you wear it over your shoulders, but when you go to the bathroom... You wash your hands and then your looking for something to wipe them on so where do you wipe?

Jun showed us with his large towel, putting it over his shoulder and pretending to wash his hand. He reached up to the towel and wiped it on the most convenient spot which was where Sho's face was.

Aiba: I'm sorry! It's like I have some grudge against him! Everyone, please use the side with Jun's face sometimes too!
But there were a lot of goods this time.
Jun: Aiba-sensei!

They briefly talked about some of the goods, like the usual towels and shirts, and some unusual stuff like the earphones and soap. Aiba said he designed them with Miyagi in mind so the green was supposed to be for zunda. He also said he was so happy to get to collaborate with the soap company and that they even changed the design of their character to make it like Arashi.

Jun said there were a lot of venders that came and thanked them for the support.

Aiba and Ohno quickly threw in that they had been at the stadium on 2002 for the soccer game and pointed to their seats (of course they pointed in different directions). They said it rained hard that day so they got wet on the way home.

Aiba: But it hasn't rained at all during this concert.
Jun: Stop it.
Aiba: What if it rained tonight?

Sho came back on the stage then so he asked who had brought a raincoat just because it's them. A lot of people clapped.

Sho: Sorry we are a storm! (Arashi de sumimasen!)

Before he started teaching the dance Sho reminded us that it would be on Music Station and told us to be prepared to be on tv.
Sho: We're all performers this time!

He showed us the first set, then was about to ask Nino to turn around so we could do it the same direction then realized the first move was the same either way. After every set he asked Nino to turn around and told us it was to confirm that we knew what to do. At the last step he explained it up to the clapping part but we did it without him telling us so Sho suddenly stopped and started accusing us, "Some people looked at the directions online!! You clapped before I told you to! But I guess I'm happy."

Nino did the same pull up move when he raised both hands into the air. His face wasn't as funny as the other days but he still made himself look strained and smiled.

The other members came out and we went through it again. The. They told us to get prepared for music station because we were live in less than five minutes.

Jun: Is everyone prepared?
Aiba: I need to stretch.

All of them started to stretch their legs in various ways and they did a closeup of Ohno make a cute strained face.

Jun: So they'll show a vtr about the concert then Tamamori will say "Arashi〜"
We should practice that introduction part. Who's going to be Tamamori?
Sho: Let's do Rock Paper Scissors

After about five retries it was down to Aiba and Sho but in the end Aiba won so he impersonated Tamori from Music Station. His low mumbling voice was adorable but reminded me of when Jun does Bobby.

Aiba held up his hands to his face like binoculars pretending to look around.
Aiba: Arashi 〜
Members: Hello!
Nino: Ask us a question or something!
Aiba: Where are you?
Ohno: in Miyagi!
Aiba: did you do anything fun?
Nino: We had some good food!
Sho: And the five of us went out drinking last night.
Aiba: Next we'll have a break--
Everyone: hey!

They said less than one minute until they were live so Jun did a quick explanation that the dancers were from Miyagi University and they would perform a dance inspired by Suzume Odori (Carnival Night version). Jun also said this was their first time to do a live performance at a concert so they were a little nervous.

In the remaining time Sho said they wanted to give an impression that we were having fun and told us to do our best to cheer and things. They did a bit of cheering before the feed for Music Station came on.

First we watched on the big screens the Music Station intro by Tamori and the vtr Jun mentioned about the concert. They it switched over to a live feed of Arashi and they did the introduction. When Tamori asked if they had done anything fun we all laughed because Aiba had predicted the question and Nino gave the same answer.

I checked the Music Station performance and it seemed to be the same thing they were showing on our screens. The only thing was that after Arashi did the introduction I guess Music Station switched back to Tamori for a minute but the feed got cut off on our end so they just started the song. So when he asked if we were ready and switched back they had already started and lost the first 5-6 seconds of the songs intro.

We were in the section that Aiba and his group came to. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't show more of the audience dancing because otherwise the song seemed too simple, but maybe there was a logistic reason.

For those of you who saw the Carnival Night performance I hope you understand why I loved it so much! There were a lot of people dancing along with the easy moves in the audience.

When they went up in the towers for Guts! I noticed they weren't waving quite as much at the audience, probably because they were live. Aiba waved at the stands discreetly once or twice but they concentrated on dancing.

Music Station didn't say goodbye or anything. Arashi thanked the dancers as they ran off the stage and then got on the carts for Fight Song. Aiba came right by us. As he passed he was looking back and gave us a peace sign. I thought it was for me because I was waving my hands in a peace sign at him and he was looking at us but in the end I noticed it was directed at Jun who was doing the same. XD Thank you anyway Aiba! You're so handsome!

Sho made his way to or section on the side stage by the time the song was over.

Sho: Ohno-san please.
Ohno: Thank you for your clapping!
(He said "te wo haishaku" which I usually translate as clapping but for this song you pump your firsts in the air. "Te wo haishaku" literally means "let us borrow your hands".)

Juns solo was the same. We could see him only a little from our seats.

For Sho's solo, after his pause for "my life is my message" in the middle he followed up with "my fellow Arashians!"

I could see Ohno a little at the start of his solo but ended up watching most of it on the screens. After they all came out for the interlude I kept trying to watch them instead of the screens but they were pretty far away. And it's much more cool to see the dance straight on. It was still as amazing as before. I love the end when they take nice steps forward and bend their knee at the back. I don't know why but the aesthetic is so cool.

But we could see Sakura pretty well because the stage was raised into the air a few feet. It was great to actually see the dancing.

For Pikanchi Double they got on the carts. Sho came by the section two over from us and waved back at us but he was too far away for me to see properly.

During Meikyu Love Song Ohno came to the side stage near us. They did close ups of Sho again and he did his come hither gesture both time, but the first time I think he didn't prepare in time so it wasn't great. The second time as beautiful and he was in front of our section on the stage!

Ohno was giving lots of fan service as he walked back to the main stage. He was pointing and fishing just sbout everyone he could and waving at both sides as he walked.

They used the platform for Sakura Sake and just like before the members starting jumping around so min that Sho didn't even bother to sing the rap part. He clung to the small hand rail and yelled ABUNAI! (That's dangerous!) a few times.

For A.RA.SHI they rotates around the platform again but Jun sort of stopped and was trying to push back as the others tried to push forward. Sho started yelling it was dangerous again. ^_^ Jun made fun of him. "He said it's dangerous!"

When the platform finally landed Sho was singing his rap part but he was bent over the handrail like he was going to be sick. He did the rap perfectly but when he finally looked up into the camera he looked exhausted.

They walked back to the center stage for the final greetings.

Sho: thank you everyone *bow*
Did you enjoy the second "Blast" concert? We wanted to do something to help and bring support to various areas. We're so happy it actually happened. If it was only the five of us we couldn't have done it, so we want to thank the people of Miyagi. If only we did it there wouldn't have been anything.
There are people who came here from all over Japan, and even the world, so thank you.
As a message to the victims of the earthquake, we want you to know that you have, at the very least, this many friends of Arashi around you to support you.
I don't want anyone to have such a sad memory again.
In 2011, I looked to the sky and though, it would be great if our feelings of support could reach you.
Let's continue on together in the future.

Ohno: Thank you. *bows*
Since our last concert in Miyagi 8 years ago, the situation here has changed. We came back, and we think that it's important to interact with you in person through this concert. I thought I wanted to increase the amount of people smiling as much as I could.
Having a concert in Miyagi isn't something we can do a lot. It's been 8 years. I want to treasure this atmosphere. For these four days I've feel a lot of different emotions. I want to try my best.  With you and the five of us, let's continue to make Arashi together in the future. Please stay by our sides.

Aiba: Thank you. *bows*
Was it fun? I think I was the one that had the most fun.
Everyone was smiling and it made me happy. We only had this experience here due to you.
Sho-chan said that we, Arashi, have this many people following us, and that brings such happiness. More than where you're headed in life it's the people that you're traveling with. I want to continue to make Arashi together with you. I want to continue to go with all of you, one step at a time, without giving up. Please stay with us.

Nino: Thank you. *bows*
I'm hungry.
Arashi danced a lot. Even I did.
I'm wondering what to eat tonight.
It's a little cold.
I can feel summer is over.
It'll get colder, and fall will come. Then winter.

(Nino paused and then smiled as he continued on sheepishly.)
And then spring, right? Huh~
As seasons change, we can meet you. It's amazing.
I think about various things, but a day without thinking is important too.
It's fun. You should try it some time.
Us: *clap in agreement*
Everyone was smiling. Today was a lot of fun, ne. If a day ends like this, that's great. Amazing.

Jun: Thank you. *bow* I really used a lot of energy! It was a lot of fun.
8 years ago was the last time we came to Miyagi. So there might be people in the audience now we haven't seen since then, or completely new people too.
Arashi is 16 years old now thanks to you. (Jun smiled really sweetly and looked like he was getting worked up.)
It was all thanks to you that we came this far without fighting. We can sing and dance and be on TV and be a part of your life.
After this is the album tour. We'll still have fun times together.
Please continue to stay with us. (Mada mada yoroshiku.)
It's so great that we can return to Miyagi after 8 years.
Thanks to all the staff and people that supported us. (Jun took a moment to swallow and his eyes were shining and made me start to get choked up too.)
In 2011, I didn't know if the message we wanted to send to everyone here actually made it or not. We're all under the same sky. We're all connected. You're not alone. I wanted to say that.
We all did our best to make it here. So seriously, thank you everyone for coming today.
Please don't forget we're all connected under the same sky.
I have one request. Could you turn the penlights off? The moon and starts are so pretty.
Sorry to the people with chemical lights.

A lot of people were hiding them under their shirts or something, so I did too (although you could still see it glowing!)

They sang Hantenai Sora and descended down the stage the same as before.

It took a little longer for them to come out for the encore, about 5 minutes .The VTR was the same and so was Ai wo Sakebe. We did our best to dance but I felt a little crowded tonight.

Ohno asked us again if we could keep going and started Energy Song. They were all jumping a lot, and Jun came running over to the side of the stage in front of us at full speed. They switched places and Sho came over after him. Sho was jumping around a lot and circling and at the end of the song all of them were out of breath. I also had fun jumping around a lot, so I get really hyper after the concert is over.

When Jun said it was the last song the audience said "eeh" again but he ignored us and they started on Yume ni Kakeru. The fireworks got really smoky tonight, so they were easier to see on the screens that in person I think. At the end of the song Jun did an intro of the band and thanked the staff.

Jun: Thanks to all the 300+ staff members! I love you!
Thanks to the people of Miyagi!
Thanks to everyone here!
(Jun looked like he was about the cry, his eyes were wet and his voice was raw.)
I can't talk anymore.
Nino: You're still talking.
All members: You'll be okay.
Jun: *as loud as  he could* What's our name?
Us: Arashi!

When they did a closeup of the members descending on the stage, Ohno looked like he was moved too. The others were smiling and waving like crazy.

After they left we kept calling for Arashi to come back. The MC that came out on the stage to direct the going home had to keep repeating "The concert is over." We still called for them, but after five minutes we realized they wouldn't come out so we sat down to rest until fighting our way to the bus.
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