Oct 06, 2009 14:05
I HATE the Post Office.
I waited til 11.30 for the postman, cause I knew my book was going to come today, but he didn't come. So I went out to do the shopping. Obviously, while I was out, he tried to deliver it, and couldn't.
So I go up to the Post Office to collect it. It closes at 12.15. The postman didn't try to deliver my book until 12.30, and didn't make a note on there that the fucking PO would be shut.
Coupled with the fact that everytime I want to go in or out the estate I have to wait for loads of site traffic to manouvre itself round, and wait while they have a chat about where to go. JUST GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD.
Can you tell I'm not ever so impressed at the moment?!
real life