Jun 25, 2009 09:19
Comment and I'll list three of your fandoms. Then you answer the following questions for each fandom.
01. What first got you into this fandom?
02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03. Favorite episodes/book/films/etc.
04. Do you participate in this fandom (fiction, graphics, discussion)?
1. Gary wanted to watch them, as his uncle had all the dvds. I was not at all intersted, and then when I actually gave it a chance, I loved it! I liked it a lot better once Angel had gone
2. Keep watching the episodes definately!
3. Once More With Feeling, obviously. ANd the one where they all lose their memories, and Spike thinks he's Giles' son. Hahah. ANd lots of others. I've only watched them all once, I need to see them a few more times.
4. Nope. I don't weven think I'm on a Buffy lj group.
Harry Potter
1. Mum brought me the first and second books for Christmas, just before it all exploded and got really popular. Again, I was a little bit dubious before I started reading, but as soon as I opened the book I was hooked! I got everyone hooked on them! ANd even managed to make my sister and her boyfriend queue up at midnight for the 7th one :D
2. Staaay. THey're one of my favourite sets on books! I'm reading them now actually!
3. Book three is my definate favourite [Siruis <3], then 7, followed by 5 & 6, then 4 & 1, then 2. And I HATEHATEHATE the films. DOn't even get me started...
4. I used to read a bit of fanfic, but had to stiop cause I was getting confused between canon and fanfic! I did a lot of discussion, especially before the 7th book, but not so much anymore!
Doctor Who
1. I got into this fandom completly backwards. I went to see the Barrowman in a panto in Cardiff a few years ago, thought oooh, I like him a lot. Started watching TW when series 2 aired. Decided I actually had no idea what was going on, or what people were talking about. Watched series one. Still had no idea. Picked up series 1 on New!Who and was hooked! Watched them all in a couple of months, ready for when series 4 came on! So in all honesty I haven't been a real fan for that long. BUt I make up for it in my obsession I think! Dad's always like Doctor Who, so I;ve always been aware of it. I remember chasing my sister round the house with a sink plunger when I was about 5 or 6 yelling 'EXTERMINATE'...
2. Staystaystay for evvveeeeerrrrrr. :D
3. Oh God. Blink definately. All the episodes with Jack in obv :D Especially The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances. I also really like series 3's finale, despite everyone else seeming to hate it. The Unicorn and the Wasp. Turn Left. The Stolen Earth. Journey's End.
4. Yup. NO fanfic though. Dear God, I can't cope with getting my head roubnd the canon, nevermind adding more things to think about! I just have lots of discussions on it! And steal other people's idea when I'm talking about it to my friends to make me seem more knowledgeable!
dr who,