Sick days once again!

Apr 13, 2012 16:42

Our poor little Bailey Grace has been sick with a cold of some sort for the last month. In the last two weeks it has intensefied with more coughing and mucus. This last week she has had such a hard time with coughing fits, most of the time resulting in throwing up. We took her into the Naturopath Dr. on Wednesday with concerns it was something more serious like Whooping cough. She assured us that she didn't think that was the case. Bailey has a super sensetive gag reflex which makes any sort of throat tickle a big problem for her. So we are on some homeopathic remedies for the moment in hopes that we can kick this. The last 4 nights have been incredibly difficult with her waking coughing and gasping for air a few times. Needless to say between her and breastfeeding Kobie, I am not sleeping much. It has been difficult to get Bailey to take the medicine she needs to get better, cause she will cough and then spit it back up. Today was better than yesterday though so I have hope. So far Kobie has stayed healthy, but Riley is now showing signs today of getting sick with a slight mucusy cough and now a fever of 102. I am praying the Kobie's immune system can beat any germs he might catch from his siblings.

Today marks a mile stone for him, he has slept all of his naps so far on his back. It happened by accident this morning when he woke up at 6 to eat and was wide awake until a little after 7am when he put himself to sleep in our bed while I was dosing. This will hopefully make night time "tough love" easier if he can put himself to sleep on his back. Even through my tired days of late it is hard not to smile back at his huge grin he is always ready to give you. He is loving blowing the raspberries too lately. He has been spending more time in the exersaucer and I think he is starting to like it.

Here are some pics from Easter and you can see more on my Facebook as always! We had a fun Easter Sunday out here on The Ridge with all the Charettes, Rileys, Krofts, Bickams, Vopels, the Bob Johnsons, Grandma J and our good friend Charlotte. It is always a fun filled day with lots of good food and great fellowship. Until next time!

This is as good as it gets for a family photo these days! 4-8-12

The kiddos

Kobie and Tristyn

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