Aug 06, 2005 21:33
Well, i leave Monday but i wont have any comp acess tomorrow so...I wont be here or anywhere from now till the 17th. What will i be doing
Molfino day: Giants game (clemens is going to pitch for the astros awesome) and then its downtown and then to the hotel for movies and sister talk
Lssp: Then moday at the buttcrack of dawn i leave for Greensboro North Carolina for a large scale service project. Its internation and there will be a whole lotta people. Should be fun
Icon: then i go to another hotel for Internation Convention. Going to be hella fun but i am definitly not going to sleep all these days. I get to dress up
Aug 17 i will be back...yeay But then Aug 20th i am leaving for SD. Score.
Ok well, emily is leaving. Tomorrow is the last day with her. I am sad. Who is going to tell me i look ugly when i wake up. Who is going to see movies with me and explain them. Who am i going to entertain me at night and eat with me and tell me to study and .....well y'all get the picture.
UPDATE as of 10:27 pm tonight, i have watched the movie roadtrip 4.5 times this week, i need a life