Wanted: really bad weather for my entertainment

Feb 19, 2005 14:15

So, I do really love the rain. But San Diego’s rain is weak. I feel like the deities are trying to torture me. It rains really hard which I love, but then it all of a sudden it gets sunny. Tiff said yesterday that there was thunder and lightening in Berkeley yesterday. I am green with envy. I miss weather. But I knew San Diego had good weather, but I didn’t know that I would miss bad weather so much. At New York during the summer, the last few weeks it was constant rain and I was the only one sitting out on the porch watching the lightening over the lake. The best though was at night when I was talking to Alex and there was no rain, nice and warm, but lightning in the hills across the lake. Ah the memories.
Now what makes today even more blah is the fact I woke up feel sick. I know why through. Yesterday was poker night and I made a cake or it. But see, I was watching the food channel the whole day so I felt very chief like. It was pretty I though but of course I ate all the batter left in the bowl, the rest of the frosting, and then dark choco, melting and my, was it good. But see that was my dinner. So I tried my hardest to get up of the service project this morning and just failed. I feel really bad about that because I missed the meeting Monday and now it’s been a week w/o circle k. But I did ‘win’ a game of poker. It was down to two of us, but then we decided to split the pot due to the fact that people wanted to play. Then Emily won, but she was playing with my money so I got all my money back plus 5 more. But even though I won, I did have a great time (and I discovered something makes me feel better but that’s for me to know). I know I should have more nights with my friends because of the fact that when I come home, I feel better. But most of the time I feel more like a follower/ nuisance. But that’s too theoretical and thoughtful for me.
So yeah, the misc. stuff: I got flowers from my mother that made my day. Flowers always make my day, I know I am girly, but my mom knows my favorite flowers so it all works. Oh some sad news is my doggie is sick. Her red blood cell count was 25 when it should be 70. The vet had to diagnosis, but the worse one was more likely (a bleeding tumor) but today they are sending her home on steroids so hopefully that will help and she can get better. If not I have to go up there because I had this dog since the fourth grade. I taught her how to play Frisbee. Tear.
Ok, now I am officially procrastinating. I have homework that is growing by the hour. Grr to physics and grrr to reading al of Siddhartha in a weekend.
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