Mar 31, 2008 14:07
Okay, this post isn't actually from Emergency me, it's just plain old me. But it is a semi-emergency! I need to be moved out this weekend, either saturday or sunday. I currently have no way to move my stuff...I asked Dewfreak already but he is going to be out of town and is very likely not to be able to help at all (he mentioned a slim chance on sunday but no promises). I need some help with someone who has a van/truck type vehicle. Something big enough to move a futon (Most of my other stuff is all in plastic tubs). The big kicker is....I'm moving to Aurora. Now I can appreciate that this is a very big favor to be asking and all, and would owe whomever big time if they could help me out. I should be able to move most of the stuff myself, I might need help with the futon frame though. (Once we're there the people I'm moving in with should be able to help me from there.)
Thanks in advance.